The Natural History Museum calls for the care of the ozone layer.

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Ozone is an important substance for life as is the layer that protects us, which according to experts has gained some organization, health and vitality, but there are still few measures to mitigate the damage and allow a breath of fresh air. From September 12 to 20, the Museum of Natural History Joaquin Fernandez de la Vara Pi was in charge of the development of the day for the protection of the ozone layer on the occasion of the call for the conservation of the planet Earth and its atmospheric layer.

Audiovisuals, exhibitions, educational talks and other activities demonstrate the importance of the ecological message transmitted to society. World Ozone Layer Day is celebrated every September 16, an event that has been commemorated every year since 1995 with the aim of multiplying actions to bequeath to future generations a safer, less polluted and full of life planet. Together towards this goal, everything is possible for a healthy and useful environment for survival and quality of life.